A proactive approach to get EAP access for your employee 

The EAP is a support service which delivers counselling and advice via self-referral, which means employees can independently contact us, as and when they need (subject to the limitations of the contract).

Sometimes, however, an employee is struggling with their mental health and they have indicated to you that they can’t reach out directly. In this situation, the employee’s manager or HR representative could consider a prompted referral.

What is a prompted referral?

  • A prompted referral is a proactive approach to arranging EAP counselling for an employee. With the employee’s consent, one of our counsellors will make an outreach call to them to offer counselling support.
  • As counselling is most successful when a client is ready to engage, a prompted referral is only advised in exceptional circumstances (usually when an employee is unable to access the EAP themselves via the 24/7 helpline).
  • When a prompted referral is made, the employee will be called by a counsellor at any time between 9am and 8pm to offer counselling support. If you have specific concerns or your employee has limited availability, a prompted referral may not be suitable.
  • Several attempts are made to reach the employee and engage them in EAP support, during the prompted referral process. Therefore, we recommend that a manager attempts only one prompted referral for an individual employee. If an employee is not wishing to accept the offer of support, a different approach should be considered.

This service is not an emergency service and prompted referrals are processed within the working week. All efforts are made to respond promptly but this may not always be possible. If you believe there is a serious risk of harm to self or another threat to life, we recommend that you contact the emergency services or the emergency contact that you have on file for your employee. 

Please note, it is not possible for us, in any circumstances, to act on your behalf without full consent from your employee. If you are anxious and worried, cannot get hold of your employee, and would like to speak to a counsellor yourself, please call our EAP helpline.  

To request a non-urgent outreach call be made to your employee by one of our counsellors, click on the button below to complete the prompted referral form.

On receipt of this prompted referral (which must include your employee’s consent), we will make 3 attempts to contact the employee over the next 5 work days. You will be notified whether or not our attempts to reach the client are successful. The contents, actions and any information disclosed during our contact with the employee will remain confidential.

Make a prompted referral

Who is the Manager/HR Person making the referral?

Who is the employee being referred for EAP counselling?

Please summarise the reason for your referral.

Attempts will be made to reach the referred employee over the next 5 working days. This service is not suitable for those needing immediate/ crisis support.

For emergency support in a mental health crisis call NHS 111 and press option 2. Or dial 999 if someone is a risk to themselves or others.